Team Dragon Martial Arts Academy's Tae Kwon-Do classes are for children, teens and adults. We start teaching our Tae Kwon-Do students at 7 years old. This way your whole family can train together.

Discipline, weight loss, strengthening, higher self-confidence and self esteem, flexibility, and practical self defense are only a few of the benefits you'll receive at Team Dragon Martial Arts Academy. Our Instructors have years of experience training students with learning disabilities and other disorders. 

We teach the International Tae Kwon-Do Federation (ITF) style form and have also incorporated weapons such as the Bo and Nunchaku, self defense, and sparring into our curriculum. 

We attend many competitions throughout the year at local, state, national and world levels. Our training shows in the awards our students receive. Whether it be competition in forms, weapons, sparring, or breaking, many of our student excel through our instruction. Master Keyser has many State, National, and World Champion awards and that expertise and quality is passed back to our students.

Our monthly tuition includes unlimited classes a week. We have classes 4 days a week. You come as many days a week as you wish.

Come in for a Free week of classes to see our facility and attend as many classes as you would like. Monthly tuition starts at $75 per month per student.